i overlooked it all... the scandals, the uneducated elders, the unbiblical time-keeping, etc... because the Watchtower predicted 1914 and no other religion did...
then I realized that they didn't predict shit... they were actually full of shit...
if you had to pinpoint the time or experience that finally made you open your eyes, what would it be?.
i think for me it was the time i saw my dad shun his brother who he had not seen in decades just because he was a da'ed jw.
i thought to my self "no way jesus would do that.
i overlooked it all... the scandals, the uneducated elders, the unbiblical time-keeping, etc... because the Watchtower predicted 1914 and no other religion did...
then I realized that they didn't predict shit... they were actually full of shit...
it seems like every time our circuit failed to meet the field service goals set by our co, the very next circuit assembly would invariably include a talk that mentions a chronically ill paraplegic sister who would dial the phone with her tongue to make return visits or conduct bible studies... i must have heard this experience at least 6 or 7 times in the past 20 years or so.
and every time i heard this recycled talk, they would add even more guilt-inducing twists to it.
to me, it eventually became way to difficult to believe...
why dont everyone just start taking publications, asking for more and just say you don't have any money.
if everyone does this, can't we put some significant financial pressure on the borg?.
allow me to begin with a clarification: when i say i am one of jehovah's witnesses, i don't mean that i am an advocate of the watchtower society or a devotee of some of its more controversial false teachings.
i mean that i am a christian, a disciple of jesus christ dedicated to jehovah god, and who remains in union with my brothers and sisters who make up the family of faith that globally refers to itself as jehovah's witnesses.
some totally understand the distinction between the family of brothers and sisters and the corporate organization known as the watchtower society (wts).
the first ever billboard has been crowd funded on reddit and will be going up.
i'm curious to know if it will cause a spark in any jw's who already have questions or doubts and lead them to research into the child abuse cases and lead them to the thought that the wt and gb are not inspired or gods mouthpiece.
at the very least it will provide people a topic of conversation and questions to the jw's who knock on their door: "so whats this whole sex abuse in kingdom halls thing about i saw on the billboard down the road?
since 1935, the watchtower had been categorically teaching (for over 6 decades) that the heavenly calling of the 144,000 anointed christians had ceased in 1935. this teaching was especially significant to older jws (especially those who spent much of their lives serving the watchtower as pioneers, elders, missionaries, bethelites, etc.
) because many of these would eventually turn their attention to the aging governing body members and feel a sense of relief knowing that the end was drawing ever so near.
in other words, as more governing body members (who were born before 1935) passed away, the closer they would get to their long-awaited reward of surviving armageddon and living on paradise earth where they would finally hug grass-eating lions near a waterfall while marveling at snow-peaked mountains in the distance.
i have heard that at the international conventions and even at us headquarters, the governing body travel with entourages or bodyguards.
does anyone know this to be a fact?
if so, why?
i've been looking on this site for some time but never posted.
i'll give a little about myself, but not too much.
i'm a ex-bethelite ( brooklyn )and currently serving as an elder (10 years) (thinking about stepping down) on the service committee.
i have always thought that the members of the governing body are just a decorative elements in the visible cusp of the organization.
i have read conspiratorial topics about who really rule, but they are not visible.
the shareholders of the corporation?
jw's are such a happy group .
let's see how this talk addresses the internal issues that we find within the jw's such as:.
courtesy of jwfacts.com.
This has got to be the most underwhelming "Special Talk" in JW history...
There is absolutely nothing "special" about it... just the same run-of-the-mill babble that can be heard from any pulpit of any religion on the planet...